Tuesday, October 6, 2009


A gang is a bunch of people who organize a group that form violence. Many gangs hang around eachother and commit crimes which include gang colors,gang names, and gang apperals.

When joining a gang it usually involves of a ten minute beating by a set number of members. The term of being beat in is refferred to being v'd in. Some gangs dont allow to be hit to the head because it wouldnt be easy to hide. Cops,teachers, and family members would wonder why there face was all beaten up.

some reasons why people join gangs; 1. IDENTITY 2. PROTECTION 3. FELLOWSHIP 4. INTIMIDATION

- protection from rival gangs

-family or friends are already involved

-prevent boredom

-exciting by taking risks


-make others fear them

-children may feel they dont have a purpose in life and look for gang activites for self esteem.


graffiti is a marking of territorial labels. sometimes the graffiti left are used to communicate messages between gangs. Teens hanging around public parks,highschools, fast food stands, and convenience stores that frequently use pay phones by people who actually recieve calls there.

Increase in crime(vandalism,assaults,burgluaries,robberies,and random drive by shootings.

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